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It's My Birthday...

I Can Wreck It If I Want To

I love desserts and for my birthday, I don't like being disappointed. So I usually make the cake myself, so at least I know I gave it a serious try and it will taste good. If I'm going to be disappointed, better in myself? It tasted just fine, but this was not pretty.

I saw this recipe in the New York Times cooking section and it was easy to imagine what it tasted like. I had some wonderful Valhrona chocolate on hand (although I did mix Valhrona with Nestle dark chocolate chips since the recipe takes a lot of chocolate). My mistake was not to take her seriously on the greasing and flouring the pan. I may have just been lazy and sprayed the pan with Pam or did a sloppy prep job—I don't remember, but the cake is so moist, it shredded it when I tried to get it out of the pan.

Uh, serious patchwork was needed. Luckily her frosting recipe uses sour cream, which is a very nice mortar. My husband and teens did not like the's very different than buttercream and not nearly as sweet. More for me!


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